Saturday, June 22, 2013

The sale continues!

Now's your chance! Yesterday I posted a little tidbit about the Mason Jar soaps and candles being marked down. When I went to the store yesterday, I saw that the entire section was 50% yesterday. The ladies were still moving everything about but I'm thinking it counts pretty much everything for this season. It did include the hand soaps and the jar candles. 

So if you like the current selection of Fresh Picked, get it now before it's gone!

I also would like to note for you wax fans out there that even if your local stores aren't test stores, keep your eyes peeled for 4 oz test candles. I've found Summertime Soda, Eucalyptus Mint & Apple No. 3, Pizzeria and Campfire Cookout in my travels. My guess is the test stuff got dispersed to regular stores to get rid of it all. I can't say whether 3 Wicks in these got the same treatment, but I HAVE seen Lily Pond and Southern Magnolia. I've also seen a 4 oz Oakmoss Vetiver at a couple stores.

This last part is merely speculation on my part, but I'm figuring that Midnight Pomegranate (Or Cherry Blossom) is going to go 75% come Monday. I haven't watched SAS this closely before so I can't say for certain but it looked to me that they are marking down one of the retiring from stores scents at a time and counting the weeks, it makes sense. Sadly, some stores won't have much left by the time the rest of it gets marked down.

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