Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tuesday is ... face mask day!

Since being a shift worker, it's hard to develop a regular routine for anything, sleep included! Now, I have issues with my face, specifically acne and I try products, and I try products and sometimes I get results and sometimes I don't. Or sometimes, my schedule just throws me for a loop. 

Tuesdays, I generally have off work, or if I DO work, it's usually later in the day so I can take the morning to do this. 

This pair is my miracle worker. My face isn't flawless, and I do still get zits but I assure you it's worlds better since I started these. 

Why the heck are you using a Mentha bar on your face right?! I told a couple of the SAs that I'm close to about using it and they thought I was nuts. But seriously, it works quite well. What I do is shower, wait until I'm completely done washing up, conditioning my hair and all that fun stuff, and take the mentha bar directly to my face. I don't use a lot of pressure otherwise it might hurt. Avoiding eyes and mouth, I just scrub away, rinse hot, then pat my face dry. Then I apply the Blackberry peel mask. The directions on the back say to leave on for 20 minutes, but I find it's almost never completely dry by that point and if I leave it 10 or 20 more minutes it works better than if I simply just pick it off once dry. I peel this sucker away (reminiscent of peeling glue off yourself in primary school ...) and tada, soft skin! I'll use a hot cloth to remove anything that didn't come off and luckily because this mask goes on black, you can see exactly what you missed. Even if you do look a little ridiculous!

I used to use the mask after washing with regular soap and it did alright, but I tried the Mentha bar more out of morbid curiosity, or let's see how bad my face breaks out after this and it turned out to be heavensent. If my face starts feeling particularly greasy towards the end of the week, I'll add another dose of mask. To be fair, I work in food service so I wouldn't recommend super frequent use for everyone unless your skin's really oily or you work around oil all day.

Sadly, I don't have a before/after picture set because I didn't think to take a photo when my face was still all bluh disgusting.

PS - I'd like to add that I did try the TBS Apricot Face scrub. It broke me out horribly. 

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