Saturday, June 15, 2013

Third time's a charm!

I am back with yet another haul. 2 stores, 3 transactions total. Money saved some $140ish. 

As I use my phone's camera, I am aware that these aren't the greatest quality photos. Could be worse though!

Upon digging through the Eiffel Tower bin AGAIN, I found my Paris In Bloom companion, the shower gel! Only one of it's kind in the two stores I went to. Just as well I guess since I only managed one lotion for it. Obligatory Aromatherapy. I decided why not try Sandalwood Rose? Gifts in the photo are White Citrus, the Irish handsoap and the Lemon Zest AT. 

The fun stuff comes next. Marshmallow Fireside was looking lonely so I brought it home to mingle with my other packs of wallflowers. The other ones here were available in larger numbers sans Twisted Peppermint. I only have one more bulb so I picked one of the last boxes up. Next, I wandered over to the candles, where to my surprise, I saw Summertime Soda staring me right in the face in the 50% off section. I stood there, slackjawed at first, and then shoveled them into my bag. One of the lovely SAs at my usual store said that she put them out Thursday night, which meant I was kicking myself for not going over to the candle wall yesterday. She also directed me to Eucalyptus Mint & Apple No. 3 which I also grabbed. They only got one box of each. These are the 4 oz-ers. I was surprised considering I thought I'd never see these! Florida doesn't even have a test store as far as I know.

Lastly, I swiped a lonely Paris Amour candle, a Sandalwood Vanilla which reminds me of something I haven't figured out just yet, and a White Palm because why not? The mini candle is a little hard to see. This one was by the register in the tubs of the $1.50 and $2 mini candles, it's Fireside and the only one I could find of it. Pity. 

I was really hoping to be able to try Sweet On Paris but none of my stores seem to have it. I haven't seen any Paris Nights either since the ones I grabbed on day one from my regular store. And the only sprays I could find are the towers. Ah well, first world problems! I am lucky I found the items I found thus far. Treasure hunts are fun. I can't wait to go out again!

One last fun note. I acquired the Summer Chill bounceback every time I went but I never glanced past $10 purchase so I was figuring up to $12, it's actually a free sig item up to $12.50 with $10 instead of the usual $10. Awesome, TMCs here I come! At the not usual mall store I got a second flyer with my coupon that has a one time use free shipping with purchase of $25 from July 8th-December 31st.
I know the bounceback's been seen before but here's the pic for the free shipping one. Seems only certain stores are handing this one out!

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