By some sort of dumb luck, PIC and I have the same day off together today. That NEVER happens unless we request a day off together. So we decided to go on an adventure!
First, we went to the newly opened location of the game store we went to yesterday to see what difference in variety they had and if we both found something we liked, we would buy it for the other as an early birthday gift (mine is the 20th and his is the 28th). Sure enough, we did.
Guess which one is mine. Haha, not the racing game. I used to be an anime dork back in high school and I loved Budokai 3 so I thought oh why not.
We later went to a comic book shop to see what kinds of collectibles they had but didn't find a lot interesting. How times have changed. It's fun reliving some of the olden days though. I had a sucky childhood but some parts of it were nice. The anime and card games were nice memories.
Lastly, we went to B&BW of course. PIC wanted to get started on that part of my birthday gift but even though he always goes in with me and sees what I have in my collection, he said he had no earthly clue what I would like.
Sugar Berry Smash was because he knew how much I liked it and told me I smell nice when I wear it. Forever Sunshine was because I always pick it up and smell it when I go in. Which by the way, the TMC reminds me of Gingerbread. I kept smelling it on the way home and finally came to that conclusion. It feels like more a fall scent to me than summer but hey who cares, it smells nice in the bottle! And you can't beat $5 each!
The smoothie was a separate purchase with my freebie being the Paris Amour TMC. The associate (who I haven't seen at my usual store) gave me a hard time trying to say I could only get a lotion or shower gel until she read the $12.50 part. Originally I was going to skip the smoothies but I suckered myself into getting one.
I need a blueberry smoothie, and a strawberry soap bar and I'm all set. I'll probably take a break until the Fall stuff comes out.
Now then, late lunch time and off to play with my new toy!
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