Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Night out

Hey guys! So, today was an awful day at work. I left stressed out and quite honestly trying not to bawl my eyes out. When PIC picked me up from work, we came up with the idea to go out since it helps to go do something nice and not sit at home and think about what's done with. 

So, we went to a favourite buffet of ours that we got hooked on via his dad actually for his birthday two years ago. A not so typical Chinese buffet with amazing quality sushi and of course, crab legs, both of which I love immensely. 

Before foodstuffs, was B&BW of course. 

I've been using Pure Paradise off and on since I got it and the more I use it, the more I honestly hate it! Ew! Anyway, we went to do an exchange of two of those items, plus a Coconut Water Chill lotion because honestly, I don't need three lotions versus one shower gel. I wanted to trade for Sugar Berry Smash but what they actually did was give me store credit instead because Summer Twist is cheaper, so that I could buy something extra so I topped off the trade with a Coconut Lime Verbena candle paying only $2+tax out of pocket. 

I also used my free travel size item coupon for White Mango Chill which actually smells pretty darn good! I would say less of an artificial mango smell (a la nasty smoothie from McDonald's) and more of a light, fresh mango buried under fruity-ness. Maybe berries. Whatever it is, I like it a lot! And I'm surprised as heck to say the least.

The other thing that caught my eye was the fresh picked Strawberries apron.
One of the managers I've known since I started shopping there wandered by when I was glancing at it in the 75% bin. only one of it's kind. There were two lemon ones and in hindsight, I wished I would've gotten one but who knows, maybe it'll be there tomorrow still. Wishful thinking right? I saw these when they first came out but $22.50 was a little too steep for me and something I might not use too frequently to say the least. The manager mentioned that it was $5 and that sold me. I had brought the free item with $10 purchase coupon with me just in case something like that caught my eyes, so I added some pocketbacs and called it a day.

Apologies for the fuzziness. I love pumpkin. See what I did there? No seriously though, pumpkin is amazing. I love Cinnamon Buns and S'mores are PIC's. They smell good but I'm not one for foody scents for sanitizer! Caribbean Escape just because I couldn't make up my mind and it's a great one that for some reason I just didn't have any of? Weird how that happens.

I left feeling a little better about myself and spent about $13 total for everything pictured. I used Sugar Berry Smash today and I gotta say I'm surprised at the strength+staying power of it. I'll have to review that bad boy after a few more uses. 

Next up, newness that you've probably already seen but I'll blog it anyway because why not.

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